WHY YOU SHOULD ADOPT AN INDIAN BREED? Indian Breeds, also known as Indie dogs, are native, adaptable and one of the healthiest breeds around. They stand in sharp contrast to ST. Bernards and huskies who are NOT meant for a tropical country like ours or a Labrador and German Shepherd who come from Rampant and unethical inbreeding, thus prone to multiple medical complications. Another mistaken belief is that Indian dogs are aggressive and unfriendly dogs. It could not be further from the truth. How a dog grows up to be depends on the human and not the dog. Our desi dogs are far more caring and loving than others. Many breeders dump the mom dog after she is unable to bear more puppies as per the market demand. They leave her to die after making years of profit in a very pathetic condition. BUT YOU CAN STOP THIS! BY ADOPTING OUR VERY OWN INDIE BREED :) Our Indian Army uses breeds like Chippiparai and Rajapalyam as Guard dogs. Sighthounds chase their prey with pinpoint accuracy, run fast an...